Individual Services

Power Nutrition Program Individual Consultations

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South Shore Nutrition’s™ Power Nutrition Program is one of the most extensive nutrition programs offered. It is an excellent option for anyone seeking a functional nutrition evaluation and wanting a targeted, personalized plan to meet health goals and/or nutritionally support a particular health malady.

During these virtual consultations with a board-certified nutritionist, you will go over your nutrition goals. You will review your medical history, medications and supplements, diet, and eating patterns, in addition to any physical and mental symptoms, focusing on those potentially linked to diet. 

Together, you will develop a Personalized Plan of Action tailored to your unique needs and make-up, with your goals broken down into achievable, realistic steps that you feel motivated to follow. In addition to dietary changes and therapeutic foods to incorporate, this Personalized Plan may include ordering additional labs, completing a more detailed diet diary, supplement and/or lifestyle suggestions. You'll be able to discuss any questions or concerns that arise.

The Power Nutrition Program Initial Visit is 90 minutes, Follow-ups are 45 minutes to an hour.  Frequency can vary from person to person.  Some individuals will benefit from more regular meetings, for example, once a month for six months, while others may only require a few sessions.  For most, at least two follow-ups are needed to see results.

Diet Analysis Report $100 Add-on Service


South Shore Nutrition’s™ Diet Analysis Report gives a detailed breakdown of your dietary micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, and fiber) and macronutrients (the relative proportion of protein, carbohydrates, and lipids) that you consume, along with their types (amounts of specific amino acids, types of sugars, and specific types of fats). 

This extremely thorough nutrition assessment tool can identify potential nutrient gaps or excesses and may be very enlightening for clients, helping to guide supplementation and/or dietary change.  It can be particularly useful for those struggling with lack of energy or vitality, coping with a chronic condition, following a special diet, or concerned about nutritional deficiencies.

Utilizing a top-rated professional software, the Diet Analysis Report is performed on either a Typical Day (recommended for those who have a regular, predictable, repeating pattern of eating the same or similar foods every day of the week) OR a 3-Day Diet Diary (recommended for those with more variety to their diet and who’s food intake can vary throughout the week).  Your nutritionist can help you decide which method is best and whether this add-on service is right for you.

Therapeutic Diet Coaching Sessions

FollowUp Visit

The Therapeutic Diet Coaching Session by South Shore Nutrition™ is a referral service offered to individuals or families whose integrative health practitioner has already prescribed a therapeutic diet, and who are seeking guidance and support on implementing that diet. 

Starting a new diet can be overwhelming and stressful.  But special diets can be extremely beneficial for managing certain chronic conditions like IBS, eczema, chronic Lyme, PANS/PANDAS, autism, celiac disease, anxiety, and depression, and more. 

Some examples of therapeutic diets include the Mediterranean Diet, Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), Low FODMAPs diet, anti-inflammatory diet, low glycemic index (GI) diet, GFDF (gluten-free, dairy-free) diet, elimination diet, and the ketogenic diet

Having a trained professional in your corner, to answer any questions and to cheer you on, can make all the difference! In these virtual 45-minute coaching sessions we will devise a practical plan to help you implement the recommended dietary changes, including tips and tricks, along with helpful ways to track your progress.  South Shore Nutrition’s™ board-certified nutritionist can guide you in developing a sample meal plan, with recipe ideas, to meet your nutrition and health goals.  Since these visits are virtual, some clients find it useful to use one of these coaching sessions to do a pantry and/or fridge overhaul, to set the home environment up for success.

*Note: Services not covered by insurance. Fees do not include the cost of nutritional labs and supplements, which may be recommended.